Bladen County Commissioners
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Bladen County commissioners joined representatives of nearly 90 other counties statewide recently to set legislative priorities for the next two years.
Counties are legal sub-divisions of the state that carry out mandates of the state using local agencies under the supervision of county leaders.  Many of the state mandated programs are funded jointly by the state, the county and in some instances, the federal government.
County commissioners are concerned about shifts in funding that can cause more demand on property taxes. Counties basically have 2 primary sources of revenues, property tax and sales tax
The North Carolina Association of County Commissioners is the lobby organization of counties statewide that attempts to protect county revenue sources and guard against shifts in who pays for what services.
Example…proceeds from the lottery.  Originally, local school systems were, by law, to receive 40% of the net lottery proceeds for school capital needs.  In recent years, legislators have reduced the local percentage allocated to counties.
One of the top five goals for the next two years by NCACC is to seek legislation to restore the statutory requirement that 40% of the net lottery proceeds be allocated to counties for school capital needs and increase the annual appropriation of lottery funds until the 40% allocation is restored.
The other top 5 Legislative Goals approved include:
Support continued state funding of medicaid and support efforts by the state to provide healthcare access for all citizens.
Seek legislation to repeal statutory authority that allows local school boards to file suit against a county board of commissioners over county appropriation for education.
Oppose any shift of state transportation responsibilities to counties.
Oppose unfunded mandates and shifts of state responsibilities to counties.
Overall, positions on issues related to many areas were approved, including, Agriculture, Environment, General Government, Health and Human Services, Public Education and Tax and Finance.
Others positions taken that had special interest to the Bladen County Board of Commissioners:
Seek legislation to improve financing and regulatory issues for the purpose of ensuring the viability of rural hospitals.
Seek legislation to require the NC Dept.of Health and Human Services to adjust the current accounting, reporting and expenditure requirements to allow counties to realize the full benefits from consolidation efforts as outlined in HB438.
Seek legislation to expand local option sales tax by allowing for Board of Commissioners resolution or public referendum.
Seek legislation to renew the study of compensation to counties for property acquired by the state and removed from the ad valorem tax base.
Positions were approved on nearly 50 issues that have an impact on county government.
Each county that attended the conference had one vote on the issues..

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