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By Leyton Ezzell

A good detox is something that everyone needs, providing a reset in our exposure to information. A significant source of this information and our daily habits stems from our phones and other technological devices. This constant exposure can lead to burnout due to information overload from daily scrolling. Here, we’ll explore some tips on how to perform a digital detox to help you relax and take a break from social media and news.

To start, it’s essential to disable the push notifications you receive throughout the day. Constant reminders of people posting can distract you from your detox and potentially cause you to break it. You can learn how to disable notifications for non-essential apps.

You can also restrict yourself to using only one device at a time. This can assist in maintaining focus on your current task and reducing overall screen time. For example, avoid having the TV on while scrolling through your tablet or texting during a phone call.

Create one or more “device-free areas” in your house, such as a study room or a reading room in your apartment or house. These areas could be the bedroom, living room, or a designated personal space where you can sit without technology and either meditate or read.

Airplane mode can also be extremely useful. This mode blocks cellular and Wi-Fi signals on your phone and devices. You will still be able to play games on your phone, take notes, and listen to music.

Another crucial aspect to keep in mind is ensuring that screen time serves a purpose and deleting distracting apps. This practice can help you maintain focus on other tasks and ensure that your screen usage has a meaningful intent.

Overall, a digital detox is a beneficial practice that everyone should consider, as it offers a much-needed break from the constant influx of information. It can help you stay focused, be productive, and minimize distractions in your daily device usage.

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