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A staff reportAs the festive spirit of St. Patrick’s Day envelops the community, Bladen Animal Hospital reminds all pet owners about the importance of keeping their furry friends safe during the celebrations. While it’s a time for joy and festivity, it’s also a crucial moment to be mindful of the potential dangers that holiday foods and activities can pose to our pets.Beware of Food Dangers: It’s common knowledge that certain human foods can be harmful to pets, but this becomes especially important to remember during holidays like St. Patrick’s Day. Sharing sweets or leftovers with pets might seem like a treat to them, but it can actually be dangerous. Many festive foods are potentially toxic to animals, and indulging them with these can pose health risks, including toxicity or unnecessary weight gain. To ensure the safety and well-being of your beloved pet, keep these foods well out of their reach.For pet owners curious about specific foods and beverages that are harmful to pets, Bladen Animal Hospital provides a comprehensive list that can be accessed through their website. This list is a valuable resource for anyone looking to keep their pets healthy and safe during the holiday and beyond.Emergency Care for Pets: In the event that your pet requires immediate medical attention over the holiday, Bladen Animal Hospital wants to ensure that you know where to turn. The following emergency care centers are available to assist with any pet emergencies:– Capeside Animal Hospital: 910-383-2100– Points East Veterinary Emergency Hospital: 910-864-2844– Animal Emergency & Trauma Hospital: 910-791-7387Bladen Animal Hospital wishes all pet owners and their families a Happy St. Patrick’s Day filled with joy, safety, and good health. Let’s celebrate responsibly, keeping the well-being of our furry companions in mind.For any pet health concerns or to learn more about how to keep your pets safe during the holidays, feel free to contact Bladen Animal Hospital at (910) 862-3960 or visit their website at www.bladenanimalhospital.com. The hospital is open Monday through Friday, from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm, and is closed on Saturdays and Sundays.Remember, a little precaution during the festivities can ensure that both you and your pets enjoy a safe and happy St. Patrick’s Day.

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