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1794 – The United States Government establishes a permanent navy and authorizes the building of six frigates.

1855 – Abraham Gesner patents kerosene.

1863 – American Confederate President Jefferson Davis calls for this to be a day of fasting & prayer.

1866 – Andrew Rankin patents the urinal.

1866 – US Presidents Andrew Johnson vetoes civil rights bill; it later becomes 14th amendment.

1912 – 1st Japanese cherry blossom trees planted in Washington, D.C.

1933 – Farm Credit Administration (US) authorized.

1933 – Polythene discovered by Reginald Gibson & Eric William Fawcett.

1941 – Britain leases defense bases in Trinidad to US for 99 years.

1945 – US 20th Army Corps captures Wiesbaden.

1952 – Sun Records of Memphis begins releasing records.

1958 – Havana Hilton opens in Cuba, later headquarters for Fidel Castro.

1972 – Adolph Rupp retires after 42 years of coaching University of Kentucky.

1976 – Washington, D.C. underground Metro opens.

1979 – US Supreme Court rules 8-1 that cops can’t randomly stop cars.

1990 – The United States begins broadcasting TV Marti to Cuba in an effort to bridge the information blackout imposed by the Castro regime.

1991 – Scotty Bowman inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame as a “builder” of the game.

1997 – Martin Luther King’s son meets James Earl Ray, his father’s killer.

2012 – Danielle Steel’s novel “Betrayal” is published.

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