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Did you see the closing ceremonies of the most recent Tokyo Olympics? Time to go home…

Looking back at the local weather … 1.5 inches of rain recorded at the Curt Brown Airport near midnight Saturday…

The weather forecast can be summed up in one word … Hot … High expected today … 91 degrees, mostly sunny skies … Another scorcher tomorrow (Tuesday) … Mostly sunny, high temp near 92 degrees … heat index values as high as 101.

Municipal elections later this year, filing season has ended…

County, state and national elections in 2022 … Expect much conversations, occasional lawsuit over re-districting…

Anyone not concerned about COVID-19? Shots or no shots, masks or no masks? I have my shots, I still have a mask close by … usually forget it … but always one in my vehicle…

Medical facilities overloaded with patients…

Construction continues on bridge over Cape Fear River at Elizabethtown … One article had bridge re-opening by May 2024…

With electric vehicles becoming more available, wonder how our elected leaders, state and national, will decide how to pay for roads … Today, a huge part of that is by gasoline tax…

Lots of talk locally, statewide and across the US about lack of housing … How about abandoned houses?

“I want to be all used up when I die.” George Bernard Shaw

“If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way.” Napoleon Hill

“Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.” Maya Angelou

robert g hester

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