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Thoughts While ShavingInteresting that many counties north and west of Bladen are still dealing with snow and ice.  Many school delays today, primarily north of the Raleigh-Durham area.  Remember when our local schools were closed for an extended period of time due to the weather?

So what do you think of Donald Trump’s announcement that he would ‘skip’ the next debate in Iowa?  One thing I would say about Mr. Trump….he is not afraid to make bold statements and bold moves.  Time will tell….

I decided to take a look at previous winners in Iowa:

2008     Barack Obama & Mike Huckabee

2004     John Kerry & George W. Bush

2000     Al Gore & George W. Bush (no Republican opposition)

1996     Bill Clinton (unopposed) & Bob Dole

1992     Tom Harkin & George Bush (unopposed)

1988     Richard Gephardt & Bob Dole

Thinking about businesses and services no longer needed due to new services offered….Remember Western Union?  Remember when money was wired by the company?  And, how many public phone booths have you seen lately?  Probably none, cell phones sidelined that service.

Remember when some of our older folks would describe a good meal as one that would ‘stick to the ribs’?  Had one of those yesterday.  Delicious……

Hope you check our Regional section.  For the most part, newspaper articles that provoke thought…not all, but many.  Check them out.

Love Facebook.  Every once in a while, receive a message from, a long forgotten friend.

And, love to hear from readers of Thought While Shaving.  Thanks for your Thoughts.

A politician  is a fellow who will lay down your life for his country.  Texas Guinan

If you don’t read the newspaper you are uninformed.  If you do read the newspaper you are misinformed.  Mark Twain

A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul.  George Bernard Shaw

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