Thoughts While Shaving
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A reminder of filing 2019 taxes … delayed, but due date is fast approaching … April 15 deadline extended to July 15…

Bladen County Commissioners meet Monday, usual time (6:30 p.m.), in the Superior Courtroom on the 2nd floor of the courthouse … 22 individuals are allowed to attend the meeting, maintaining social distance requirements … Others may attend virtually by following GoToMeeting information to access the meeting. “You can dial in using your phone. Dial +1 (571) 317-3122. Access Code: 377-006-581.

“As part of Governor Cooper’s Safer at Home Phase 2 reopening, Bladen County will reopen County offices, including the library, on Monday, June 15. The Senior Center will remain closed to the public, until more guidance is received from the State”, quoting from Bladen Couny news release. “Most county business and services can continue to be conducted by phone or online. Residents are encouraged to continue accessing services remotely and limiting visits to county facilities for essential reasons.”

Latest report on coronavirus outbreak indicates state and local numbers continue to climb. Statewide, 41,467 total cases in North Carolina with 1,128 deaths recorded. 186 cases of the virus in Bladen County, and 2 deaths reported…

Latest outbreak indicates numbers climbing locally, with an outbreak reported among some migrant workers…

No time to be taking chances…

Weather forecast for today … Partly sunny, with a high near 84. Northeast wind 7 to 10 mph, with gusts as high as 15 mph.

Good White Lake type weather…

Chance of rain increases to 50% Sunday, 80% Monday and 70% on Tuesday and Wednesday…

FYI … Summertime officially arrives a week from today, June 20, 2020.

“Hip, Hip, Hooray, for a Hot Summer Day!”

“Summertime is always the best of what might be.” Charles Bowden

“I wonder what it would be like to live in a world where it was always June.” L.M. Montgomery

robert g hester

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