Proposed Special Use Permit, Town of Elizabethtown, North Carolina. Pursuant to N.C.G.S. 160A-364, 385 and 386, the Town of Elizabethtown will conduct a public hearing on Monday, November 2, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. in a virtual format via Zoom. Town Council will consider the following:
Special Use Permit
Petitioner: D.M. “Mac” Campbell, Jr.
Case Number: SU1002203803
PIN #: 1321.10.36.3803
Request: For a Special Use permit for a proposed accessory building 750 sq. ft. at 1505 E Broad Street.
All interested citizens are invited to join the meeting. The November 2, 2020 Town Council meeting will be a Virtual Meeting; therefore, please check the Town’s website ( on November 2, 2020 for instructions to join the Zoom Meeting.
Citizens desiring to speak should contact the Planning Department at (910) 862-2066 as soon as possible. You may either join the meeting remotely or you may come to the Elizabethtown Municipal Building located at 805 West Broad Street where we will have a setup to join the meeting in the Council Chamber. If you wish to come to the Town Hall to partake in the meeting,please wear a face covering and follow all COVID-19 guidelines.
Temperatures will be checked upon entering the building. Changes may be made in the advertised proposal that reflect information presented at the hearing. Those who choose to view a copy of the application may do so during regular business hours by contacting the Planning Department at (910) 862-2066.