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In September of 2022, Dublin Peanut Festival committee members hosted one of the biggest festivals in the area. Members of the DPF committee know their work continues even after the festival is over.

Richard and Vicky Sibbett, Rodney and Tracy Smith, and Horace Wyatt, members of the DPF committee, recently took a weekend to organize items at the “Peanut Building” to make way for another successful year. While cleaning, the members also sold tickets to the upcoming DPF Fish Fry.

The fish fry is scheduled for March 4 from 11 am until 4 pm at Lu Mil General Store. Tickets are on sale now for $20 per plate. To purchase tickets, contact a committee member or send a message to Dublin Peanut Festival’s Facebook or Instagram pages.

A Fish Fry ticket purchase includes fish, slaw, hush puppies, fries, and tea. If you don’t like fish, no problem! Hotdogs and fries are available too.

If you would like to contribute to the event, the DPF committee is accepting donations. The local non-profit accepts monetary donations to help with the festival events and the annual Dublin Peanut Festival Scholarship Pageant.

The DPF committee is now accepting new committee members. For more information, contact a committee member or visit their website at: https://www.dublinpeanutfestival.com

Lu Mil Vineyard is at 438 Suggs Taylor Road, Elizabethtown, North Carolina.

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Sincere Thanks for the Dublin Peanut Festival

Dublin Peanut Festival Pageant

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