Spread the love

By Erin Smith

The town of Bladenboro is seeking federal funds to clean up a portion of Wateree Creek. The section being discussed runs from Butler Mill Road to the railroad tracks. The town board discussed the availability of federal funding for the clean up of the creek during the board meeting on Tuesday night.

Mayor Rufus Duckworth introduced the letter of support for a federal grant for clean up of Wateree Creek to the board. He told the board it would cover the area from Butler Mill Road to the railroad tracks.

Interim Town Administrator Melanie Hester said, “I just want to make mention, if you look at the letter, there is the potential that town will have to take over that particular drainage ditch.”

She also stated if it meets the federal guidelines, there may be applications needed for land rights and any necessary permits.

“We may end up having to take over the long term upkeep of it. It just depends on how this grant plays out,” said Hester.

She told the board she had spoken with Kenneth Campbell with the USDA Natural Resources Office in Elizabethtown. Hester said she was told the grant is 100 percent funding, if it is approved.

“He (Campbell) said they (federal officials) have already been out and looked at that stretch of Wateree Creek that runs from Butler Mill Road to just past the railroad property. He says it is eligible. This support letter is to get us in the pot to get the funds,” said Hester.

Mayor Duckworth asked if the town owns the majority of the property in question. Hester  explained the town does not own all of the property along Butler Mill Road, but the town does own the portion which passes through Wateree Park.

The board voted unanimously to approve the letter of support.

Messages left for Campbell were unanswered as of press time.

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