
Kelly Brisson and Mike Jackson with the Animal Control Board.

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By Erin Smith

Kelly Brisson and Mike Jackson with the Animal Control Board.

The Bladen County Commissioners heard concerns about the water quality of White Lake and roadside hunting on Tuesday night.

Commissioner Russell Priest stood and addressed the board stating that several Bladen County Commissioners attended an open forum at White Lake last week. He said that state officials were present as well as members of the White Lake Town Council and concerned members of the community.

“Over the past year, it has gotten very bad,” said Commissioner Priest of the situation.

He said representatives from various state agencies spoke and updated everyone present regarding the situation but the officials did not state specifically what they will do.

“Mainly, they were concerned about the fact the state has not come up with an idea of what caused this smell or the green tint in White Lake and it’s gotten really bad,” said Commissioner Priest.

He told the board White Lake is a vital part of the county’s tax base and provides recreation for local residents as well as vacationers who travel to Bladen County.  He requested the board send a letter to the appropriate state agencies requesting they take the necessary action to correct the issues with the color of the water.

Commissioner Ashley S. Trivette, who resides at White Lake, also spoke.

“From what I have been told, from the seminars and other consultations we have set in on, there is a ph issue going on (with the water),” said Commissioner Trivette.

Chairman Ray Britt added that the request is to ask the state to expedite the process so something can be done for this season. He added what is being discussed will be a long-term fix, but the issue is to have the state begin the process in time for the 2018 lake season.

The board voted that Bladen County Manager Greg Martin draft a letter to the appropriate agencies supporting the White Lake board’s request the expedite the process to determine the proper method of resolving the issue.

Attorney Leslie Johnson introduced his daughter, Kelly Brisson to the board. Brisson, along with Mike Jackson, were in attendance at the meeting to represent the Bladen County Animal Control Board.  The board adopted two changes for the animal shelter’s policies regarding the holding period for animals and surrendered pets. The changes include allowing the shelter to take possession of owner surrendered pets immediately and to reduce the current five day hold to 72 hours for animals coming into the shelter.

The board also heard from Joe Britt and his son, Bobby Britt, regarding the issue of hunting with dogs on the side of the highway.

Joe Britt and his son, Bobby Britt, addressed the County Commissioners.

“The people that are doing what I am complaining about are not even from this county,” said Joe Britt. “They are from outside the county. They stand out beside the road. We’re talking about 10, 12 and 14 year old kids out side the roads with shot guns.”

Britt said that while hunting beside the roadway is legal outside the town limits, it also creates a dangerous situation for motorists. He requested the board look into changing the county ordinances to prevent hunting along the roadside.

Under Matters of Interest, Commissioner Charles Ray Peterson asked Martin to check with Bladen County Emergency Management to see if they have a video camera available and to use it to resume videoing the meetings. It was also suggested to have local businesses to advertise on the videos to help defray the costs to the county.

In other business:

*The board voted to adopt a proclamation in support of Bladen County School Choice.

*The board approved an agreement with Francis Marion University for a rotation for their students and they also approved operating procedures for the Health and Human Services Advisory committee.

*The Board approved a bid of $4,500 for a 2 acre parcel of land located on Porter McKoy Road in Lisbon.

*The board set a pre-budget hearing date of February 19th.

*The board voted to approve awarding charitable contribution requests.

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