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By: Joy Warren
The Elizabethtown Town Council met Monday at noon and also Monday evening to conduct their regular business for the month. During the noon meeting, Council heard a presentation from Fire Chief West regarding a Paid-On-Call Program for volunteer firefighters. Linda Brooks, a local citizen requested street lights on McLean Street. A resolution opposing the Interbasin Transfer “IBT” Certificate Modification was also approved.

During the evening session, Council did not approve the DWSRF Project (updating Drinking Water Wells #1 and #2 using grant funds for zero % loan); demolition of structures at 207 W Dunham Street and awarded construction bid for the demolition to Hugh Cook for $3,100.

In administrative matters, Council approved sign proposals for Browns Creek Bike Park and a digital sign for the Cape Fear Farmer’s Market; prioritized projects for roof replacement of Tory Hole Park Buildings and 2 Morehead Street buildings and approved bids for the 3 roofs; approved Tax Lien Advertisement, Tax Releases, Budget Amendments and monthly Financial reports as presented.
The meeting was not adjourned, but will be held open until February 23rd at Noon at which time the Council will vote on the contract for the new fire truck with KME Kovatch.

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