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WBHS Senior, Anna Moser, who will be attending UNC-Charlotte in the fall of 2018 has been named as a Hagan Scholar.

The Hagan Scholarship is a nationwide need-based merit scholarship for high achieving, self-motivated students. These students graduate from  public high schools located in counties having fewer than 50,000 residents.

During the fall semester of the first year of college, each scholarship will help pay the unmet financial need of the recipient, up to $5,000 each semester.

During the fall semester of the second year of college a $10,000 Schwab Scholar Account will be established for each scholarship recipient.

During the fall semester of the third year of college each recipient achieving a 3.50 CGPA will be eligible for an all expense paid Study Abroad Award.

During the fall semester of the fourth year of college after establishing a personal Schwab Brokerage Account each recipient will receive $1,000 to be used to start investing for their long term financial security.

Recipients graduating college in less than four years can use the remainder of their Hagan Scholarship to attend graduate school, or a professional school.
Recipients must attend a free mandatory workshop prior to the start of each academic year of college, travel and lodging costs are paid by HSF.

Each recipient must work 240 hours in the twelve months prior to the start of each academic year of college and provide proof of employment.

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