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The Halloween weekend is in full gear. It’s not too late to have some festive fun in the kitchen. Nicole, Charlotte, and Danna made some Halloween treats in this week’s recipe video that will turn your haunted party into a sweet treat.

First, the trio made pumpkin rice crispy treats, and then they wrapped it up with some savory mummies. Watch the video below, and subscribe to BladenOnline’s YouTube channel for more recipes.

Rice CrispyPumpkin Treats:


3 tablespoons of butter

1 pack of mini marshmallows

6 cups of rice crispy cereal

1 container of white icing

Orange food coloring or yellow and red food coloring combined

Almonds and sunflower seeds for decorations.

Once you have your ingredients follow these instructions:

  1. Melt the butter on low heat in a medium-size pot.
  2. Once the butter is melted, add in the pack of mini-marshmallows.
  3. When the marshmallows are melted, stir in the rice crispy cereal.
  4. Stir the marshmallow mixture and rice crispies until the cereal is completely covered.
  5. Grease a muffin pan.
  6. Spoon rice crispy mix into muffin pan and press down on the mixture.
  7. Let the treats cool.
  8. In a bowl mix in food coloring with icing.
  9. Once treats are cooled, cover the tops and sides with colored icing.
  10. Add almonds and sunflower seeds as decorations.

Cheese and Hotdog Mummies:


2 cans of crescent rolls

1 pack of hot dogs or 1 pack of mozzarella sticks

Your choice of seasoning

Raisins or olives to use for eyes

Once you have your ingredients follow these instructions:

  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Take crescent rolls out of packs and roll them out on a pan.
  3. Press together two crescent rolls to form one “Mummy Blanket”. Once you have finished, the two cans of crescent rolls will yield eight “Mummy Blankets”.
  4. Cut one and a half-inch slits on each side of the “Blankets”.
  5. Add your choice of seasoning to the “blanket”.
  6. Add either a hot dog or mozzarella stick to the middle of the “blanket”.
  7. Take slits you cut in the “blankets” and braid them together to cover the hot dogs or mozzarella sticks.
  8. Bake in the oven for about 10 minutes or until golden brown.
  9. Take out of the oven and let cool.
  10. Once cooled add raisins or olives to mummies for eyes.


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