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The Elizabethtown Town Council was greeted by a standing room only crowd for their December meeting.  The majority of the citizens attending the meeting were residents of the neighborhood adjacent to the proposed Solar Farm by South River Land Co. LLC/SunSource Land Co. LLC.  The company requested a special use permit for a solar farm to be located on M & M St. and adjacent to Peanut Rd., Richardson Rd., Quail St. and Moultrie Ln.  Beth Trahos, an attorney for the company, made opening remarks the they objected to the public hearing tonight as the previous public hearing was closed on November 14th.  Town attorney, Goldston Womble noted the objection for the record and the public hearing continued.
 Fire Chief Nick West gave recommendations from his department in the event that the special use permit was granted.  He recommended that information be provided to isolate the panels in the event of an emergency; label and identify all components of the system; address ongoing maintenance and disposal or shut down of the farm; provide access to emergency personnel in response to emergencies; provide system contact information in case of an incident; and provide training for emergency and town personnel.
standing-room-only-crowd-rallies-against-solar-farm-2Rod Fritz, Town Zoning Code Enforcer, spoke regarding his concerns about erosion control and runoff from the project to the already flood prone area of Richardson St.  He also gave recommendations for landscape buffering screen plantings.
M & M St. resident, Jerry McKoy spoke for the majority of residents stating that their main concern was one of health.  “We don’t want to wait 20 to 25 years down the road to find out if this is the cause of illnesses for our children.”  Gene Merritt, a real estate developer from Wilmington spoke against placing the farm in a residential area.  “I am in favor of solar energy and we need it, just not in this location.”
South River had several experts to provide information regarding erosion control, Solar Impact Studies, and property values related to adjacent parcels.  After all the evidence was presented, Council voted to deny the special use permit based on the findings that the use will endanger the public health or safety if located where proposed; that the use does not meet all required conditions and specifications; that the use will substantially injure the value of adjoining  property; and that the location and character of the use is not in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and is not in conformity with the plan of development of Elizabethtown.  This decision brought a round of applause and shouts of happiness as the room cleared.  When asked for a response to the outcome of the special use request, Beth Trahos, attorney with the solar farm stated “I am not able to comment to the press about this”.
Council continued their business for the evening by hearing an audit report; approving an amended Inmate Labor Agreement in conjunction with the Town of White Lake; approved the annual certification of Firefighters; reappointed Sybil Alsup to the Elizabethtown Housing Authority and Wayne Edge to the Firemen’s Relief Fund; approved conceptual plan for Sally Salter Park and authorized a test well on the property; approved low bid for Swanzy St paving project to Highland Paving; and approved the monthly financial report as presented.
Public Works Director, Pat DeVane announced that the REMA reimbursement for Hurricane Matthew debris would end on December 16th.  Residents should note that after this date the regular Lead & Limb policy will be in effect.
In observance of Christmas, the Town offices will be closed on Friday through Tuesday.  In addition, offices will be closed on January 2nd for New Years holiday.  The sanitation collection will remain on normal collection schedule.
The January meeting of the Town Council will be held January 9, 2017.

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