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By Norgie Hester

Its Monday morning at 11 am, the sun is bright, the air is thin.

We gather up at Vineyard Golf, to tee it up and hats are doff.

All dressed up in golfing gear, hoping our game will be more than fair.

Our ages vary as you will see, from 87 down to 63.

We are Bladen boys tried and true, swinging as hard as we can do.

We make the teams and hear a sad song, each player feels the teams are wrong.

Mac, Stacy, Don and Jim, all strong A’s. The rest sometimes play in a haze.

Two recent additions are Billy and Steve, McGavock and Campbell, if you please.

Our senior citizens you will see, are Henry, David, and of course, me.

Ages 87 and 85…We are just happy to be alive.

Coach Lenon Fisher is one of our men, had a football stadium named for him.

Dr. Pat Jessup comes from afar, many days he will shoot par.

Paul has a swing that shakes the tee, Where the ball lands is a mystery.

Freddy, Breece, Ebbie and Glenn are all good golfers and good friends.

“Fud” comes up to join the fun….with Riley riding shotgun.

We all enjoy Charles DeVane, If you ride with him you might come to harm.

Our good friend Steve G. has come back home. We hope that he will not again roam.

Mickey B. is a bit slow, but we love the boy don’t you know.

Bobby G. knows baseball lore, all the averages and all the scores.

We laugh and joke and have a good time, some scores are good…and then there is mine.

We plan to continue our weekly play, until the good Lord takes us away.

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