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1792 – 1st cremation in US: Henry Laurens.

1863 – Abraham Lincoln issues his Amnesty Proclamation and plan for Reconstruction of the South.

1886 – American Federation of Labor (AFL) formed by 26 craft unions. Samuel Gompers elected AFL president.

1913 – Construction starts on Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco.

1923 – German-US friendship treaty signed.

1931 – Coaxial cable patented.

1941 – US and Britain declare war on Japan, US enters World War II.

1941 – US President Franklin D. Roosevelt delivers “Day of Infamy” speech to US Congress a day after the bombing of Pearl Harbor.

1946 – US Army rocket plane XS-1 makes first powered flight.

1952 – 1st TV acknowledgment of pregnancy (I Love Lucy)

1956 – 1st testing of Vanguard satellite program, TV-O.

1963 – Frank Sinatra, Jr. is kidnapped.

1966 – US and USSR sign treaty to prohibit nuclear weapons in outer space.

1972 – United Airlines crashes at Chicago’s Midway Airport killing 45.

1982 – Norman Mayer holds Washington Monument hostage, demanding an end to nuclear weapons….He is killed by police after 10 hours (he had no explosives)

1987 – US President Ronald Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev sign a treaty eliminating medium range nuclear missiles.

1993 – Dow Jones hits record 3734.53.

2010 – With the second launch of the SpaceX Dragon, SpaceX becomes the first privately held company to successfully launch, orbit and recover a spacecraft.

2018 – US President Donald Trump announces John Kelly will be stepping down as White House Chief of Staff at the end of the year.

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