RALEIGH – The following are highlights from this week at the N.C. Department of Transportation. The stories below are also featured in NCDOT Now, the department’s weekly newscast. Winter Weather Driving Tips
Winter weather can be beautiful around here, but it can also be dangerous for drivers.
The safest way to avoid driving hazards like snow and ice is to stay off roads unless travel is necessary. If you have to drive, go slow and leave plenty of space between vehicles. Learn more at this webpage.
“If you do have to be out, allow for some extra time, give yourself plenty of distance between the next car and you and always remember the road surface may be slick and that it could drastically change very quickly,” Wake County Maintenance Engineer Holt Willis said.
During any weather event, also be sure to check DriveNC.gov before leaving your house. Did you know we have a snow and ice feature? When turned on, this feature shows wintry road conditions to help you pick a safe route. Durham Hiring Event
NCDOT has multiple job openings and encourages anyone interested to check out career opportunities with us.
A hiring event is set to take place Jan. 25 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the NCWorks Career Center in Durham. Through this event, NCDOT hopes to fill more than a dozen openings for jobs like Transportation Worker, Automotive Mechanic/Vehicle Equipment Repair Technician, and Electronics Technician.
To find more information about this specific event, go to this webpage. You can find more information about all NCDOT job openings here.
For more information about NCDOT Now, contact the NCDOT Communications Office at (919) 707-2660. Additional news stories from throughout the week can be found on NCDOT.gov.