Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingChanged my shaving habits, only shave on ‘special occasions’ and the number of ‘special occasions’ are shrinking as I mature.

What is your favorite time of the year?  I enjoy spring and fall, April & October.
Favorite time of day for this retiree?  Between 1 and 2 PM, enjoy a bowl of Breyer butter pecan ice cream.  When ice cream gets low, time for a visit to the grocery store.

Very good turn-out for the annual meeting of Bladen County Committee of 100.  Excellent speaker, Chris Lloyd with McGuire Woods Consulting, Sr. VP of Infrastructure and Economic Development.  He assist companies in locating sites to expand their business, a match-maker.  What does Committee of 100 do? They have been a very important ‘cog’ in providing resources to assist in building or expanding industrial facilities in Bladen County.  Lloyd provided valuable info related to what influences industrial prospects when they are contemplating an addition/expansion.

Bladen County must deal with merger and upgrading of public schools facilities….the longer the wait, the more expensive it becomes.

If the FCC ‘cracks down’ one more time on unwanted telephone calls, no one will be able to rest.  I am not interested in an extension or a new auto warranty and I have no desire to upgrade my credit card but I do have a desire for robo calls to end. Guess the calls must produce results or they would cease.

I am finally convinced that aging is better than the alternative.

Confused about Fake News?  Google Snopes.com or FactCheck.com offers some help.  Who would have dreamed we would be seeking such sites to determine if our elected officials are telling the truth or not?

Filing deadline for municipal elections, noontime Friday, July 21, 2017. (tomorrow)

If you’re lying, you’re lying.  John Maxwell

Lying can never save us from another lie.  Vaclav Havel

Lord, Lord, how subject we old men are to this vice of lying!

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