Robert Hester, Founder of BladenOnline.com
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thoughts while shavingAmerica is one of the greatest places in the world to live, work and play … but not perfect … Latest example … Kansas City, a normal, mid-American city, proud city … Their NFL team just won the Super Bowl … A million, more or less, decided to attend a celebration, a huge parade … Their heroes were on display … and someone or two or three, or more … spoiled the party. So sad … Latest info, after midnight … At least 8 children were among the 22, more or less, who were hit by gunfire … 1 person is dead … Senseless … Could have been in any city in America…

So much discourse in our national capital … in Congress … and closer to home … Among those we elected to lead our great nation … The more we learn the more concerned we all are … The more we know, the worse it gets … or so it seems … both parties … Treat all the way you want to be treated…

Still the greatest nation in the world … What happened to ‘Do Unto Others’ … You know the story … Crime is crime … wrong is wrong … right is right, sometimes our leaders can’t seem to get it right, no doubt there are good ones who try to do what’s right … and they should set some positive examples … no doubt some do … but there are some ‘bad apples’ among us … We need good, honest, leaders … and followers who have the ‘guts’ to do what is right … Set examples … None among us are perfect … We all have room for improvement…

Let me step down from my ‘bully’ pulpit … and get on with life…

Weather forecast continues to improve … Sunny, breezy today, wind gusts as high as 18 mph. Clear skies tonight with a low around 45. Friday, increasing clouds with a high near 66 … windy, gusts as high as 20 mph … Weekend looking good…

Recent men’s basketball scores…
Clemson 77 – Miami (Fl) 60
Notre Dame 58 – Georgia Tech 55

Men’s basketball current conference leaderboard…
UNC 11-3
Duke 10-3
Virginia 10-4
Wake Forest 8-5
Pitt 7-6
NC State 7-6
Clemson 6-6
Syracuse 7-7

“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” Oscar Wilde

“Nothing is impossible, the word itself says … ‘I’m possible.” Audrey Hepburn

“I cannot express how important it is to believe that taking one tiny — and possibly very uncomfortable — step at a time can ultimately add up to a great distance.” Tig Notaro

robert g hester

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