By Joy Warren
Eddie Madden, Project Coordinator for the Multi-Use Path, gave the Town of White Lake Board of Commissioners an update during their regular session Tuesday evening. The USDA Grant for $250,000 has been submitted. In addition, the first step of the application process for the NC Recreation Trails Program has been submitted for $100,000. This grant is through the NC Parks Service and usually places priority on projects that are unpaved and off trail, but he has received notice that the Town is eligible to submit a full application.
Twilla Allen, Town liaison with Lumber River Council of Government, gave a brief presentation on the COG’s activities. COG will be partnering with Bladen County Division on Aging to conduct a Scam Prevention Workshop during May and Older American’s Month will also be held during May.
In administrative matters, the Board approved Utility Releases ($3,770.55) and Tax Releases ($480.59); adopted a resolution amending the Town of White Lake Personnel Policy; and adopted a resolution declaring furniture from Fire Department as surplus and authorizing conveyance of the property to Bladen Emergency Management office.

Brenda Clark, Town Clerk reported that the Town has received a voluntary annexation petition from Polly & Denny Winzeler requesting voluntary annexation of their property located in Waterford Estates Subdivision into the Town’s corporate limits. The Board adopted a resolution directing the Clerk to investigate the petition.
Mayor Womble noted that Representative William Brisson corresponded with him regarding the lake water quality. Brisson indicated that he had been in touch with NCDEQ. During 2016 the department expanded it’s monitoring to additional sampling locations, which indicated that the lake is still experiencing nutrient over enrichment. To further evaluate the condition on White Lake, DEP will be expanding monitoring in 2017 to include the following: 1) evaluate current water quality for Algae and Nutrient levels; 2) evaluate ground water inputs; 3) evaluate nonpoint contributions to White Lake; and 4) characterization of the Water Column. Hopefully the data will provide the necessary information to identify the causes of the discoloration. In addition, Kent White with NC Division of Water Resources advised that he is conducting a study on the inflow of water going into the lake and ground water monitoring around the edge of the lake. Kristen Woodruff, NC Park Superintendent, also has advised that UNC-Chapel Hill will be conducting a study this summer with a gauge in the lake that will monitor the lake level.
Several White Lake campground property owners (Park Shores East, White Lake Motel & Campground, and G & J Park Shores) expressed concern regarding the conversion of their manual read multi-use meters to automatic multi-use meters. Mayor Womble heard their concerns and reminded them that this project has been in the works for several years and that they have received several notices regarding the conversion. He encouraged them to meet with Staff regarding their intentions for metering.
The 39th Annual White Lake Water Festival will be held May 19-20th. The parade will be on Saturday, May 20th at 10:00 a.m.
The Board adjourned tonight’s meeting to Tuesday, May 2nd at 6:00 p.m. for the purpose of discussing potential needs for the Town’s FY17-18 operating budget.