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By Charlotte Smith
As the winter months roll in, the welfare of our animal companions becomes a pressing concern. The cold can be unforgiving to the creatures who depend on us for their well-being. Drawing on the expertise of A Shelter Friend, an organization dedicated to animal welfare, here are some essential tips to ensure that your furry, feathered, or hooved friends remain safe and snug during the chilly season.

1. Provide Adequate Shelter
For outdoor pets or community animals, it is crucial to ensure they have access to dry, draft-free shelters. A Shelter Friend advises that these sanctuaries should be insulated and large enough for animals to move comfortably, but small enough to retain body heat.

2. Increase Food Portions
Animals burn more calories in the cold as they work harder to stay warm. Consider increasing their food supply slightly. Always provide high-quality, nutritious food to support their energy needs, advises A Shelter Friend.

3. Ensure Constant Access to Unfrozen Water
Hydration is just as important in winter. Use plastic bowls rather than metal to prevent tongues from sticking, and consider a heated bowl to prevent water from freezing.

4. Regular Check-ups
Preventative care doesn’t take a winter break. Keep up with regular vet visits to ensure your pets are as prepared as possible for winter, with updated vaccinations and parasite control.

5. Beware of Poisons
Antifreeze, which often leaks from car engines, can be lethal even in small quantities. Clean up spills immediately, and consider using products that contain propylene glycol rather than ethylene glycol.

6. Manage Outdoor Time
Even the hardiest breeds can suffer from frostbite and hypothermia. A Shelter Friend suggests monitoring time spent outside and recognizing the signs of cold-related stress in animals.

7. Grooming and Paw Care
Trim the hair between toe pads to reduce ice buildup. After walks, wipe down your pet’s feet to remove ice, salt, and chemicals. For sensitive paws, booties might be a practical solution.

8. Keep Cats Indoors
Cats can freeze in cold weather, get lost, stolen, or injured. A Shelter Friend strongly advocates keeping cats inside during winter months and providing outdoor cats with a warm place to sleep.

9. Provide Companionship
Don’t forget that animals need mental stimulation and companionship, no matter the season. Spend quality time with your pets indoors where it’s warm and safe.

10. Support Local Animal Shelters
Winter is a tough time for shelters. Consider donating blankets, food, and time. Fostering an animal can also provide them with a warm home during the coldest months.

11. Beware of Sleeping Kitties
Outdoor and community cats often seek warmth under car hoods. Before starting your engine, knock on the hood or honk the horn to give them a chance to escape.

12. Prepare for Emergencies
Power outages and storms can trap you at home. Have an emergency kit ready with enough food, water, and medication for your pets for at least five days.

Principal Officer with A Shelter Friend, Krista Hansen, wants the public to know assistance for animals is available. She said, “If you see an animal suffering in this frigid weather you CAN do something.  Please call Bladen Animal Control at 910-862-6918 or 9-1-1 and report what you see and the location.  An officer will check on the well-being of the animal, who can’t call for help himself.”

Hansen added, “This is a great time to get your dog and cat spayed or neutered.  Having your pet fixed now avoids roaming and fighting that will start in the spring and prevents unwanted litters.”

Low-income families who want to get their pets spayed or neutered through A Shelter Friend’s low-income program can call 910-645-2297 for information and sign-up.  Hansen stressed the importance of the spay and neuter program, “Sign up NOW before the spring rush and share this number with your friends and neighbors who are producing unwanted litters of puppies and kittens.”

Remember that our animal friends rely on us for their comfort and survival. While these tips are a starting point, always stay attuned to your pets’ specific needs. With a little extra care and vigilance, we can ensure our companions stay healthy and happy throughout the winter months. By following the guidance from A Shelter Friend, you’re not just weathering the cold; you’re nurturing a bond that provides warmth all year round.


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