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Chairman Carroll called for  approval to conduct tonight’s meeting virtually. Board member, Mr. McKoy led the invocation. Mr. Clark led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Mr. Carroll called for the approval of the agenda for tonight’s meeting and for approval of the minutes of the September 14 meeting and the October 1 Special Called Meeting.

 Dr. Robert Taylor, Bladen County Schools Superintendent, gave a COVID-19 Update.

He explained the LIVE Data Metrics Dashboard that shows the specific impact of COVID-19 inside the school district. The idea is to simply have a place where the public can go to see what the current situation is inside the district.

Only positive cases and quarantine cases that are given to us by the Bladen County Health Department will be listed on the chart.  Data shown are effective as of 6/25/2020.

Dr. Taylor explained all Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) had been delivered to all schools except for the high schools. Dr. Taylor noted all High Schools would receive all needed PPE would be no later than Wednesday of this week. 

Dr. Taylor also gave the number of students attending in-person learning. 

The daily maximum will be a total of 1,482.

There will be a total of 846 primary school(s) students.

A total of 643 middle school students will be taking advantage of in-person learning. Only half of the 643 will be present on any given day due to the A-B schedules. 

A total of 629 high schools students will take advantage of the in-person instruction. Only half of the 629 will be present on any given day due to the A-B schedules.  

Dr. Taylor said there are 54 buses needed out of the 66 buses to transport students. 

A Child Nutrition update was given by Mrs. Amy Stanley. The schools will be starting meal service at every school, and meal pick up times will be available for virtual learners. 

Meal delivery door-to-door and drop off site plans with bus routes is yet to be determined. The schools may be able to announce the food delivery plans on Wednesday.

Mrs. Stanley also announced the school district was approved under the Department of Health and Human Services to receive funding for the at-risk supper program to offer a third meal to Bladen County students. 

Board member Cory Singletary voiced concerns of students continuing with virtual learning may be going without breakfast and lunch due to lack of transportation.

Mrs. Stanley reminded the board EBT food cards were mailed out to all Bladen County students’ homes to help cover the lack of food delivery during this time. 

Consent items were approved unanimously by the board. Below is the list of consent items approved.

Consent items:

School Improvement Plans 

Additional Pay for Teacher Assistants. View report here, click now.

Updated Beginning Teacher Support Manual


After the consent items were approved, the Budget Resolution was presented by Mrs. Harrison. Board member, Berry Lewis made a motion to approve the resolution. Board member Glenn McKoy made the second, and the board approved the resolution unanimously. 


The board went into closed session to discuss personnel, student transfers and legal issues. After the closed session, Dr. Beatty asked for Action items A and B to be approved. Both were approved unanimously without any discussion. 

Board member Chris Clark asked, “Are we sure every parent has been contacted about returning to school?”

Dr. Taylor explained that not all parents had been contacted about the in-person learning due to limitations with returned phone calls.

Board member Gary Rhoda asked about liability if students do not wear their masks. The Board attorney, Gary Grady, said he did not think the board could be held liable. 

The board chairman, Mr. Roger Carroll, asked board members to contact the district office to voice their wants in holding the next board meeting virtually or in-person. The next board meeting is scheduled for November 9, 2020, at 6 p.m.

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