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The Bladen County Board of Education had a packed agenda this week. The meeting was both in-person and held virtually. All board members were in-person at the meeting except for board member Mr. Corey Singletary.

Rev. Vinston Rozier was elected the new chairperson at the Bladen County Board of Education regularly scheduled meeting held on Monday, December 13, 2021. 

Mr. Tim Benton was elected vice-chairperson of the school board. After the elections, the newly elected officials took office. 

Ms. Liz Ruffin-Cox and Mr. Donnell Goins, Bladen County Schools counselors at East Bladen High School, addressed the board as they do at each monthly meeting to announce their continued concerns for what Bladen County Schools lacks. They continue to tell the board students are struggling academically, and BCS does not adhere to the criteria mandated for educating students.  

Ms. Cox addressed that for many months, Dr. Atkinson, BCS Superindent, has acknowledged the need for funding to increase the number of counselors, social workers, and nurses in the district. 

“The recommendation is a ratio of one counselor per 250 students, but they do not fund us in that way,” Dr. Atkinson said. He guessed the ratio in Bladen County is 350 students per one counselor. 

A packet to the board members presented by Ms. Cox shows students needing special services that are not receiving the required benefits. 

Ms. Cox said, “Counselors are not being used as counselors. They have to teach as teachers.” 

Mr. Goins reiterated the data he has shared for months with the board regarding BCS being out of compliance with services for exceptional children.

Funding is not the only issue; Dr. Atkinson pointed out, “Finding qualified individuals to fill these roles is another issue.”

Next, Ms. Michelle Hunt, school counselor of Elizabethtown Primary School, presented a plan for a mentorship program to implement at Elizabethtown Primary. 

She said, “Our students are in crisis: they’re behind academically, they’re struggling socially, and they’re in need emotionally. We’re doing all we can to reach and help these students, but it isn’t enough.”

According to Ms. Hunt, the male population will be the target for the program because that is where the biggest need is based on office write-ups, teacher assessments, and parent/guardian referrals. 

Ms. Hunt gave some insight stating, “Elizabethtown Primary School has 529 students. Helping them navigate the mental health crisis left in the wake of Covid-19 is a part-time social worker and one school counselor. We are in desperate need of a community intervention, and the community wants to help.”

After meeting with Bladen County Commissioner Arthur Bullock and Dr. Atkinson, according to Ms. Hunt, the program plan is mentors would be asked to spend eight hours (or more) a month with their mentee: only a couple of hours each week. 

The goal of the program is relationship-building activities which could include going to the library, watching movies, tutoring, cooking together, sporting events, writing poems, volunteering at churches or community events, and/or attending medical appointments. 

In closing, Ms. Hunt said, “I know I am standing here representing a small population of our Bladen County Schools, but know I am echoing the cries of every counselor and social worker in our district when I tell you we are in a mental health crisis.” 

She asked the board members to please consider supporting the Trailblazer Mentor Program. After the board agreed the program would be good for the school, Dr. Atkinson told Ms. Hunt she could start the program in January. 

Then the board heard from Mr. Rusty Worley, BCS Maintenance Director. He informed the board he would be resigning from BCS, and this would be his last board meeting. He gave updates on current projects. After the board heard from Mr. Worley, they approved action items unanimously for Clarkton School of Discovery’s gym roof with a bid of $174,300, their media center’s roof with $108,250, and Elizabethtown Primary School new HVAC installation with a bid of $69,000.

Next on the list, the board approved to continue with Option B for face coverings which allows students and staff the option to wear a face mask while in the BCS’s facilities. Face coverings are not mandatory. 

The board also approved the consent items on the agenda. 

Lastly, the board members went into a closed session to discuss personnel. 

After returning from the closed session, Dr. Beatty, Assistant Superintendent, requested the board approve action items A and B; however, there was no information on what action items A and B included. The items were approved unanimously. 

Listen to the meeting broadcasted for the public on the Bladen Livestream Youtube Channel linked below. 


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