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The forecast for this weekend in Bladen County calls for perfect weather for outside events according to a lot of outdoor enthusiast. Brown’s Creek Bike Trail featured in Elizabethtown will be the site for anther North Carolina Interscholastic Cycling League Mountain Bike Race this coming weekend.

The race will be from Friday, April 26, 2019 to Sunday, April 28,2019, according to Eddie Madden, Town of Elizabethtown Manager. He said, “We are expecting as many as 2,000 people to be in attendance.”

The last time the event was held in Elizabethtown there were almost 800 cyclists participating in the race. The racers were all round youth age and brought their families with them for support.

This event is expected to be even bigger than the last.

“All the rooms in town are booked and some participates will be camping out or staying at White Lake or other neighboring towns,” Madden stated.

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